To Add a?Kocos Push Meter to te System:
Add a Login account on your profile with a limited?Role where only following functionality?is enabled:
Kocos Push Meter?(Pages:Undone/Recent?Push?Attempts))
View only selected?Entities
Also leave Can Add?anything
Use the login details MyCo.Login as user name and the password.
This can read multiple types of meters including Echelon Meters with WEP port
Smappee (Home Automation)
Elster Meters
Setup example: where is your server's IP or URL
subdomain.login is your login
and password is the password
and MTYPE is type for that meter
So this URL is to be added to the Limo moden's Cloud Service section.
Tags: kocoskocos limokocos push meterlimo modemmodem setup