You can undelete a Meter.
This process searches through the backups and allows you to put back a meter that was accidentally deleted.
Please do not rely on this method of keeping data.
If you have a Meter that you don't want to read anymore, rather disable it under Edit->Meter Details.
If this screen does not find your Meter in any backups, then please contact us, so we can do a manual check.
This screen assumes you have one Meter, one Meter Account, one or no Communication Device and one or no SIM.
If there were multiple Meter Accounts we might be able to restore that manually.
This screen does not attempt to restore anything other than those 4 things.
So if a Tariff or Meter Account Group was also deleted, then a manual restore would be neccessary.
This screen also does only one meter at a time, so in cases where 100s of Meters are involved, a manual restore might be better.
This screen does not restore an Entity to a previous state if it was not deleted to begin with.
To access this, go to Tools->UnDelete and
1) Choose the meter you would like to put back
You should get a screen like this where it looks through previous backups to see if the Meter is available:
2) Once it is done, it will give you a list of all the backups where it found the Meter. You can then go ahead and click on that backup.
Usually the latest one would be the best. But in cases where a Meter Account was deleted a couple of days before the Meter,
you might get more information from a prior backup.
You should now get a table with information about what was found in the backup and whether it is also in the database.
3) You can now select what entities you want restored. Keep in mind that not restoring all entities to the left of a certain entity, can corrupt that entity.
e.g. Restoring a Meter but not the Modem can cause the Meter to just dangle around with no Modem which will have undefined effects on the system.
In cases where the modem is already on the system, but already linked to another device, you might not want to restore it.
This will leave the Meter unable to read more data, but you should be able to download the Meter's Profile.
4) Then click Attempt Undelete
You should now see the system attempt to restore the data from the backup.