prepaid facility - pnpscada


2019-06-07 16:30

to set which times a meter is allowed to switch off:
1) Create a new calendar File->New->Calendar
2) Use the All Off kVA template and call it Switch off times

3) Select the calendar and go to Edit->Calendar Rate Periods
4) Make 2 rates: Allowed and Not Allowed

5) Go to Edit->Calendar Day Patterns
6) Make 2 Day Patterns: Weekday and Weekend

7) Go to Edit->Calendar Week Pattern
8) Rename the week pattern to Default and change Monday-Friday to Weekdays pattern and Saturday and Sunday to Weekend pattern

9) Go to Edit->Calendar Seasons and rename to Default

10) Go to Edit->Calendar Holidays and add Holiday

11) Go to Edit->Calendar Year Pattern and make sure there is only one Season
12) Click on Get SA Exception Days From Google
Note: you'll need to add the holidays every year, by clicking on this button
13) set all the holidays to Weekend day pattern
14) Submit

15) Go to Tools->Certify TOU Calendar as valid and certify from January to 2030

16) Go to Edit->Software Prepaid Options and set Switch off times to Switch off times; Allowed

Tags: calendarsledger
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