Due to stock un-availability, many customers have asked for Elster alternatives.
Here is a list of other meters that are also used with PNPSCADA.
Elster AS3000 & 3500
Kamstrup 3phase CT with modem
Landis & Gyr ZMG with external KoCoS modemWasion IM300 with built-in modem
Hexing HXF300 with built-in modem
Kamstrup you can get from SmartPowerSA @ 012 346 5163
Landis & Gyr you can get from Jacques Wright mobipower or Kevin @ 0824974343Hexing from Hexing South Africa - Mohamed @ 0833002078 or Actom @ leon.de-nysschen@actom.co.za or Mo 072 273 8326
Wasion you can get from SDG Thea @ 010 003 1015
For possible Wasion solutions (meters/modems/concentrators/keypads), see this post Tags: elster a1140hexingkamstruplandis & gyrwasion