advanced settings - meter - pnpscada


2018-06-08 16:46

  1. Automatic Read Interval
    By default the system tries to read each meter once a day.
    If the attempt failed, it will retry every 30 minutes of the day until the meter is up to date.
    You can, however, set how often the system tries to read a meter:
    daily: read the meter every night at midnight
    read every: number of minutes to read the meter. e.g. 30 means read the meter every 30 minutes
    custom: more complex intervals, such as 15th of every month, or last sunday of the month
    You can also click more and then set the read interval for each set individually. It is advised to read phasors at 9:00 every morning.
    You can get more information on this setting here
  2. Profile Sample Period Length
    The length of each profile sample in seconds. 1800 = half hour. If you set this to 1800 and the meter is set to 900 (15 minutes) then the system will summate the 2 readings into half hours. If you set this to 900 for a meter that samples at 1800, then there will be gaps in the profile data. This is one of 3 places you need to change the Profile Sample Length if you need to bill on something other than half hours. The other 2 being
    Edit->Tariff Line Items->[Demand Line Item]->Edit->Maximum Demand Period in Hours
    and Edit->Meter Account->more->Meter Account Sample Period in Hours
  3. Sets to read
    You can choose which sets to read.
    If a set does not show here, then the meter type either does not support it, or it has not been implemented.
  4. Meter Channels to Ignore
    This affects which channels to read.
    PNPSCADA tries to automatically detect which channels you use. If a register does not change during a month, the system sees it as 'not in use' and as such does not count as a channel for that month.
    If you only need to read consumption and don't want export energy, even though there are meters with export energy, you can tick (ignore) the P2 channel so that that values does not get logged.
    If for even one half hour of the month a reading comes in on a channel, it will count as a channel for that month, so ticking these checkboxes typically only comes into affect from the next month.
  5. Meter Time Zone
    This value defaults to the organization's timezone (Edit->Organization), however, if your organization spans multiple timezones, you can set each meter to it's own timezone.
    Timezones are also specified under Edit->Calendar Year Pattern.
  6. Errors:
    1. Error Threshold
      Prevent problematic meters from continually clogging up the acquisition process. For example if a meter's communication is bad it might be better to stop reading it and fix the communication on site. ignore connect errors is to stop reading meters with errors that will not likely come right automatically such as a breaker size too small, time wrong, unlicensed meter or a meter driver problem.
    2. Error Degradation
      This is used when you set up a batch of meters on the system, and then they lie on a shelf for a couple of months. PNPSCADA will still try to read these meters. So set Error Degradation to 20, then it will only try 20 half hours to read the meter. After that it will try only once per day.
    3. current error streak
      number of times the system failed to read the meter since the last reset. You can reset this value by checking the checkbox (after you fixed the problem).
  7. Register Calendars
  8. Alarms
    1. Spike Alarm
    2. Power Factor Below Limit
    3. Meter Bypass Alarm
    4. Leak Alarm
  9. Automatic Meter Time Sync with Server
  10. SAP co-incident MD id
  11. Meter Custom Section
    Some meters have meter-type-specific settings that you can change here.
    1. Elster AS220

Tags: license

2025-02-25 12:25

A change was made to always set the meter's time if it appears the time has been reset (e.g. some meter's time reset to 2000-01-01 after load shedding if the battery is flat).
It is then advised that you set the meter to read every 30 minutes (under Edit->Advanced Meter Settings->Automatic Read Interval) to limit the number of missing half hours when the meter loses its time due to load shedding, until such time as you can replace the battery on that meter.

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