used when you want to 'end off' or 'park' a meter (and possibly add it on another site)
- adds _OLD to the end of the meter serial (or _OLD2 if its the second mark-as-old)
- tick disabled (under Edit->Meter Details)
- unlinks the meter from it's Communication Device
replace meter:
used when you want to replace a broken meter with a new one
- adds _OLD to the end of the meter serial (or _OLD2 if its the second mark-as-old)
- tick disabled (under Edit->Meter Details)
- unlinks the meter from it's Communication Device
- starts add wizard to create a new meter in the place of the old one
- links the new meter to all the same Meter Accounts as the old one
tenant move out:
used when you want to 'end of' a meter and re-create that meter at the same site for a new customer
- adds _OLD to the end of the meter serial (or _OLD2 if its the second mark-as-old)
- tick disabled (under Edit->Meter Details)
- unlinks the meter from it's Communication Device
- recreate the meter with the original's serial and Communication Device.
All the new data read, will be associated with the new meter. - links the new meter to all the same Meter Accounts as the original
- you will need to create a new Meter Account and link it to the new Meter and unlink the Meter Accounts from the new meter that you don't want.
TIP: before clicking tenant move out, set the Last Read Up To Date And Time back to where you want the split to happen. Do not set it forward.