2015-10-31 19:31
This post was transcribed from a support call
There was a Sensus water meter whose pulse constant was wrong. So we wanted to read it in again.
So what we did, is identified its concentrator, and then re-uploaded via ftp all the csv files for all the months, from when we wanted the new pulse constant to be re-applied, up till the present.
Now what happens, is the meter calls in, then it resets the date back to May and calls in again, then resets back to May again, and again, and again.
What is going on? When is it going to stop?
2015-10-31 19:39
Hi there. Let me explain how the algorithm works.
If you upload a csv file via ftp, and it is identified as a CSV file for Sensus water meters, like with the Webdyn ftp and others, basically what we do is we read in the files in the order of their file times.
So if your files does not have their original file time any more, but instead you put them in all on today's date, what will happen is for instance: the first file you upload is for 5 months ago. We start uploading that file. BUT we find that the latest reading in the file is 5 months ago. SO WE CHANGE the file date to be 5 months ago, and we start reading it in.
Once it has finished reading in, it sees what file has the next time stamp for that concentrator. It will probably find an old file, which it will then start reading in. So it reads in all the files up to the present. Then it hits the second one you uploaded today, which was the next day 5 months ago. So it also changes its date back, and start reading in EVERYTHING from that date again (it looks at the file time); then it hits the third file you uploaded today, and the whole process starts again, from the next day 5 months ago, etc.
So, for instance, if you have files every day, 5 months ago, it is going to call in the entire range of dates about 150 times (1 day less every time, until it is up to date)
To avoid the above scenario, pls don't upload files that you know have old dates, with a file time of today. Also, please, if the data didn't change, pls only upload the very oldest one. We still have all the others in a private directory, and will apply all of them again. You don't have to upload all the files again. please. What makes it worse is that there are many meters in one concentrator. So doing that will cause the system to be busy a very long time, which is not necessary.