Generic Modbus Meter


2019-01-23 13:54

to use the Generic Modbus Meter on our system, you will need the following information from the meter manufacturer
1) Modbus Address: each modbus meter has its own address
2) Modbus Register: there are usually many addresses, but the one you are looking for is the one for forward consumption
3) Register Format: whether it is one modbus register (2 bytes) or 4 registers (big or small endian) or another format, e.g. the PowerCOM modules sold by Elster South Africa.
4) and whether it is Modbus TCP or Modbus RTU
the Generic Modbus Meter can be found in the Add Wizard:
1) File->New

2) Meters

3) Generic Modbus Meter

4) Enter the modbus address
5) Modbus Register
6) Register Format
7) and choose whether it is Modbus TCP or Modbus RTU

Tags: modbus
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