2014-11-07 13:43
There is now a new screen under Tools, per meter, called Interpolate Meter GAP.
Where this is useful, is when the time was messed up for a meter or many meters, causing gaps in the profile.
In a case like that, if would typically still register the energy in the meter total and tou registers, but not the profile, meaning that the meter could fail its audit.
You specify the start and the end date, and then click the submit button to do the interpolate.
The system get the start of the first gap by looking at the profile from the start date and time, and get the end of the last gap by lookin at the profile back from the end date and time. It then gets the Energy Total for those two instances in time, and compare them. It gets the start total by looking at a total before the gap and adding profile. It gets the end total by looking at a total after the gap and subtracting profile. If there is no gap found, or if the two totals are the same, it doesn't do an interpolation.
If it then do the interpolation, it will add an overspill on both sides by the profile period (half hour typically); and delete all the potential profile at the gap (e.g. sometimes some profile is embedded in the middle of the gap); and then do an interpolation of Forwards and Reverse Active Energy. It marks the profile as interpolated, so it will be gray.
Be careful of meters that had gaps at other times between the target gap and a total. It could cause the interpolated profile to cause a spike.
If there are a lot of meters implicated, you can use Bulk Edit to interpolate all of them.