2014-08-29 17:59
When a meter is validated, PNPSCADA automatically does an audit between the totals and profile, to see that the data is internally consistent. This total can be out by various values for many different reasons, e.g. the resolution of the profile and total registers on the meter might be different. Or there could be other reasons. This % is the inaccuracy between sum of profiles and difference in totals that you are willing to tolerate.
If you click on Unreservedly, only your identity is logged with the meter validation in the fault log, against those meter events, otherwise if there are some reservations, you can click on the yellow button and enter a text string that will be entered with your login against this meter validation in the fault log. For example, if the fuses on the CTs blew, you can accept the values, but with a reservation. You might even have adjusted the values, depending on where you do these kinds of manipulations in your business process. Some business systems that pull the data from PNPSCADA automatically, look at these messages and some even displays them on the bill, or adjusts the bill based on the message.