2012-02-29 04:39
You can use wildcards in various different places in Plug and Play Scada. There are many obvious places, and there are some not so obvious places. The easiest is to try to use it where you want to use it and see if it works. When in doubt, you can ask us about specific cases.
For example, in the MDUS log selection screen, you can specify wildcards for the detail and the function. (I've since changed the screen to say that you may use wildcards in those places)
The wildcards we use are generally SQL wildcards, being % for matching many characters and _ for matching one character. In cases like this, we generally replace the common * character with the % character before we do the select statement in the database, so you can usually use the '*' wildcard character as well, but you may as well immediately use the % character. I suspect there are some rare cases where * does not get translated to %, however I would regard that as a bug.