It might be that there is no Phasor to read:
To be able to read a phasor from a Landis & Gyr, we need the following on the IEC readout:
V1: Something with "*V)" en "32" or starting with "L1(" of "6(" of "u1("
V2: Something with "*V)" en "52" or starting with "L2(" of "7(" of "u2("
V3: Something with "*V)" en "72" or starting with "L3(" of "8(" of "u3("
I1: Something with "*A)" en "31" or starting with "A1(" of "10(" of "L1("
I2: Something with"*A)" en "51" or starting with "A2(" of "11(" of "L2("
I3: Something with "*A)" en "71" or starting with "A3(" of "12(" of "L3("
I4: Something with "*A)" en "91" (neutral current - optional)
If any line starts with L1 or L2 or L3, the following 3 angles are swopped:
- I1 Angle: Something with "*Deg)", without "(--" and with ".4" of ".14" of ".24" or starting with "P1" of "18("
- I2 Angle: Something with "*Deg)", without "(--" and with ".5" of ".15" of ".25" or starting with "P2" of "19("
- I3 Angle: Something with "*Deg)", without "(--" and with ".6" of ".16" of ".26" or starting with "P3" of "20("
default voltage angles: v1a = 0, v2a= 120, v3a= 240; alternatively:
- V1 Angle: Something with "*Deg)", without "(--" and with "81.7.0"
- V2 Angle: Something with"*Deg)", without "(--" and with "81.7.1"
- V3 Angle: Something with "*Deg)", without "(--" and with "81.7.2"