2012-02-16 10:31
pre installation:
-program modem
-program ICPcon
-add sim, modem, meter, meter account and ICPcon to site with generic name e.g. OrangeBox007
-set temperature labels hot, ambient, cold
-check that we can read meter
-check that we can read temperature
at installation:
-program CTs
-change modem name to site
-change meter name to site
-change ICPcon name to site
-check that ICPcon reads
-check that A1140 reads
1-12 hours after install
-read meter profile - check te see 60-360kVA
-read temperature profile
-check temperature of hot water to be 60-70 degrees
-check temperature of ambient to be 20-35 degrees
-check temperature of cold water to be 10-30 degrees