Here is a list of reports you can get from PNPScada.
Note: the number of reports are continuously growing.
- Online Monthly Bill, incl. small monthly billing trend graphs, broken down per component.
- Monthly Bill exported as a Pdf, either with the monthly billing graphs per component, or with a profile graph summary for the whole month.
- Monthly Bills group by Building, as a Pdf
- Consolidated Bill (show all meter accounts bills for a certain date that is visible to a user)
- CSV download, one line per Meter Account
- CSV download, one line per Billing Line Item.
- Historical Billing summary (for an account)
- Summary Billing report (for a group of accounts in a particular month)
- The above can be configured for the Site, and for Tenants, and for Water Balancing (iow full support for summation and subtraction by putting multiple meters in a single account, with a positive or negative multiplier, which can also be a fraction. Can divide a meter between tenants relative to square meter size. )
- Site reconciliation report (per Meter Account Group - various accounts in different roles, e.g. Incomer or Tenant); by units and by money (including sub-metering recovery report)
- Online Profile Graph, fully zoom and pan-able in-place on a web page
- Provisional Bill
- Tariff Comparison Report
- Savings report (comparing potentially different time periods and tariffs, incl. Carbon)
- Usage Statistics
- Maximum Demand Scatterplot (only relevant to Electricity)
- Maximum Demand Breakdown (only relevant to Electricity)
- Event log view
- Phasor Graph view (only relevant to Electricity)
- Meter Info page, incl, viewing meter billing totals
- Meter Total Report (accross all the meters)
- Meter Account Report
- Daily Consumption graphical report
- Download CSV file with the profile
- Real Time summary report (show scrolling graphs for the meter accounts in a meter account group, with MD prediction, mostly relevant to electricity)
- Meter Realtime values (show the readings of the real time values of the meter - mostly electricity)
- Meter Read Logs - show you all the times a specific meter has attempted to call in, and the result
- Communication logs - show all the AMR communication sessions, how long it took, what communication channel it used, and how many bytes were sent and received.
- Instrumentation profile (for Wavenis water this includes things like signal strength and battery)
- Hit Log report: show you when your customers browsed their information on the web site.
- Meter Audit report: reconciliation between profile and totals data from meters
- Channels used: show you how much licensing you need to pay for using the AMR
- Admin Thread Report
- Problem Meter List: show you which meters are not up to date and why
- Fault Log, shows which faults are outstanding, and who has been assigned the work