2012-02-14 12:04
The basics to implement prepaid using Plug and Play Scada is as follows:
1. Go to Home screen
2. Push 'Add New' button
3. Choose 'Prepaid' push Next
4. Choose 'Prepaid Facility' push Next
5. Push the 'Add New' button to add a new Ledger
6. Enter a Ledger Name (the customer's name or account number); Put R1 onto his account to start off with, otherwise you're going to immediately switch hom off!!! and push the Finish button.
7. Back on the 'Adding a Prepaid Facility' screen, the Ledger should now already be selected. Just push the Next button
8. Choose the Meter Account you want to use for billing purposes. If this doesn't exist yet, you can create it by pushing the 'Add New' button, otherwise just select it. On how to add a Meter Account, that is part of the other training. Push Next.
9. Choose a Breaker that you want to use to switch the customer on and off. If it doesn't exist yet, click 'Add New'. If it is an AS230/AS1440 we're talking about, add a Contactor, then choose the Contactor for that particular meter in the drop down, and Add it. Back on the 'Adding a Prepaid Facility' screen, press Next.
10. To finish adding the prepaid facility, click Finish.
Then, to add money to the account, select the Ledger, and go to View->LedgerTransactions. There you will see the transactions within the requested date & time range, as well as the opening and closing balances, and you'll be able to add money on that screen.
2012-04-17 14:09
Last Edited 2022-08-20 20:32
Here is the manual.Manual 122