2012-02-14 09:58
Have you ever tested the Sensus bulk water meters on PnP-SCADA? Val de Vie want us to link up their three bulk combination meters as part of the AMR project. The meters are Sensus 100mm Meitwin combos.
I would hope we can get the pulsers to ?talk? to an MIU, and link on the network to PnPSCADA.
2012-02-14 09:58
Yes, we have connected the MIU?s to quite a few Sensus meters and all works well.
You do however need to make sure that the counter of the meter is pulse enabled and that it can take some kind of reed switch. The Reed switch or pulsar needs to be obtained from Sensus.
Just make sure that it can be connected to a battery operated device like the MIU. I think they call it the OD reed switch and Pulsar (But this is for the normal Meistreim bulk meters).
I know some of the Meistreim meters have 3 or 4 different Pulsar options. You need to make sure you get the correct one.
I am not sure if you?ll have a Pulsar for each of the combo?s counters (like the Elster Combo?s PR7 and PR6) or maybe it will be only one Pulsar. You?ll need to find that out from Sensus.
But yes, we will be able to connect it to our AMR system.