Check Meter installation


2012-02-14 09:28

Yes there are multiple ways to add a lot of meters together.

  1. You can add them all together into 1 Meter Account, and then see the total energy and apply 1 tariff to it all. This you do exactly like you do a normal Meter Account, except you add more than 1 Meter to the Meter Account.
  2. Or you can add all the meter accounts into a Meter Account Group, and then after you've run a bill, you can see a summary in a table report called View->BillingSummary
  3. Or you can go to the Consolidated Bill after you've run a Bill, to view all the Meter Account Bills visible to you that was billed on a specific Bill Date Range on one screen.
To view the last two, you have to run a Bill, so the most powerful is probably number 1.

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