Any code ending with 0.0.0 for the meter serial number (typically 8 digits); e.g. 0.0.0(12345678)
Any code ending with 0.9.1 for the meter time in HH:mm:SS format, e.g. 0-0:0.9.1(11:38:19)
Appearing after the time, in sequence in the IEC readout, any code ending with 0.9.2 for the meter date in YY-MM-DD format, e.g. 0-0:0.9.2(13-07-22)
A stack of codes ending with 0.1.0 for the bill reset dates, in format YY-MM-DD HH:mm, e.g. 0.1.0*1(15-02-01 00:00)
A stack of codes ending with 1.8.0 for the Active Energy Billing Totals, e.g. 1-1:1.8.0*1(1000.0*kWh)
A stack of codes ending with 5.8.0 for the Reactive Energy Q1 Billing Totals, e.g. 1-1:5.8.0*1(0000.0*kvarh)
A stack of codes ending with 2.8.0 for the Reverse Active Energy Billing Totals, e.g. 1-1:2.8.0*1(1000.0*kWh)
A stack of codes ending with 8.8.0 for the Reactive Energy Q4 Billing Totals, e.g. 1-1:8.8.0*1(1000.0*Mvarh)
A stack of codes ending with 6.8.0 for the Reactive Energy Q2 Billing Totals, e.g. 1-1:6.8.0*1(1000.0*kvarh)
A stack of codes ending with 7.8.0 for the Reactive Energy Q3 Billing Totals, e.g. 1-1:7.8.0*1(1000.0*kvarh)
kVA register as 9.6.1 e.g. 1-1:9.6.0(00.440*MVA)(13-07-19 08:30)
A line with instantaneous Red Phase Voltage, having 32 as the C value in the OBIS code, e.g. 1-1:32.7.0(110.8*V)
A line with instantaneous White Phase Voltage, having 52 as the C value in the OBIS code, e.g. 1-1:52.7.0(---.-*V)
A line with instantaneous Blue Phase Voltage, having 72 as the C value in the OBIS code, e.g. 1-1:72.7.0(111.1*V)
A line with instantaneous Red Phase Current, having 31 as the C value in the OBIS code, e.g. 1-1:31.7.0(003.9*A)
A line with instantaneous White Phase Current, having 51 as the C value in the OBIS code, e.g. 1-1:51.7.0(003.9*A)
A line with instantaneous Blue Phase Current, having 71 as the C value in the OBIS code, e.g. 1-1:71.7.0(003.9*A)
A line with instantaneous Neutral Current, having 91 as the C value in the OBIS code, e.g. 1-1:91.7.0(003.9*A)
A line with instantaneous Red Current Phase angle with .4 as the E value in the obis code, e.g. 81.7.4( 348*Deg) (this is degree angle with the red voltage)ORA line with instantaneous Red Current Phase angle with .14 as the E value in the obis code, e.g. 81.7.14( 348*Deg) (this is degree angle with the white voltage)ORA line with instantaneous Red Current Phase angle with .24 as the E value in the obis code, e.g. 81.7.24( 348*Deg) (this is degree angle with the blue voltage)
A line with instantaneous White Current Phase angle with .5 as the E value in the obis code, e.g. 81.7.5( 348*Deg) (this is degree angle with the red voltage)ORA line with instantaneous White Current Phase angle with .15 as the E value in the obis code, e.g. 81.7.15( 348*Deg) (this is degree angle with the white voltage)ORA line with instantaneous White Current Phase angle with .25 as the E value in the obis code, e.g. 81.7.25( 348*Deg) (this is degree angle with the blue voltage)
A line with instantaneous Blue Current Phase angle with .6 as the E value in the obis code, e.g. 81.7.6( 348*Deg) (this is degree angle with the red voltage)ORA line with instantaneous Blue Current Phase angle with .16 as the E value in the obis code, e.g. 81.7.16( 348*Deg) (this is degree angle with the white voltage)ORA line with instantaneous Blue Current Phase angle with .26 as the E value in the obis code, e.g. 81.7.26( 348*Deg) (this is degree angle with the blue voltage)
A line with instantaneous Red voltage angle (should be 0) ending with 81.7.0, e.g. 81.7.0( 0*Deg)
A line with instantaneous White voltage angle ending with 81.7.1, e.g. 81.7.1( 240*Deg)
A line with instantaneous Blue voltage angle ending with 81.7.2, e.g. 81.7.2( 120*Deg)