wasion error codes


2019-07-01 09:56

The meaning of the error codes differ from LCD and comms.
errors in comms:

Error CodeFailure CodeSolution
Err 01TOKEN length errorRe-enter the TOKEN
Err 02TOKEN's CRC errorCheck the TOKEN with vending station
Err 03TOKEN's TID errorCheck the TOKEN with vending station
Err 04Used TOKENGet another new TOKEN
Err 05TOKEN is oldGet another new TOKEN
Err 06Decoder Key is out of date for this TOKENCheck with vending station
Err 07Remained energy plus purchased energy is more than purchased accumulation thresholdWhen lower than threshold, input this TOKEN again
Err 08All of the Class 3 TOKENs are reservedCheck with vending station
Err 09TOKEN doesn?t match this meter?s Manufacturer CodeCheck with vending station
Err 10The value of Power threshold to be set is out of range.Check with vending station
Err 11This TOKEN of Class 2 is reservedCheck with vending station
Err 12Purchased energy is more than limitedCheck with vending station
Err 13The Decoder Key Register contains DDTK, no purchase operation permittedCheck with vending station
Err 14Doesn?t meet the key change rule, key change TOKEN is rejected.Check with vending station
Err 15This TOKEN is not for electricity meter.Check with vending station
Err 16Reserved or nonuseCheck with vending station
Err 17This TOKEN is made earlier than the meter produceCheck with vending station
Err 18Meter in terminal cover opened status, no TOKEN operation permittedInstall the terminal cover and then input TOKEN again
Err 19TID illegal (the reserved TID, TID is 00:00:00 or 00:01)Check with vending station
Err 20Interval time of password setting is overInput key change TOKEN again
Err 21This TOKEN can?t use at running modelCheck with vending station
Err 22This TOKEN can only use at the running modelCheck with vending station
Err 23Meter already in prepaid model
Err 24Meter already in postpaid model
Err 25Keypad at lock modelMain display area show ?loC-out?
Err 26Illegal operationCheck with vending station
Err 27Meter already in current unbalance trip mode
Err 28Meter already exit current unbalance trip mode
Err 29Meter already in Calculate Error trip mode
Err 30Meter already exit Calculate Error trip mode
Err 31Generator detect mode cannot change paid mode
Err 32Already forced relay open
Err 33Already forced relay close
Err 77Communication between DT2 meter & UIU failedRe-pair meter with UIU

Additional Information on Error Codes
Error Information
When the meter has problems, the error code will automatically appear until the problem is fixed.
02: Memory fault: E-EECArd
03: Relay fault: E-rELAY
04: Clock default: E-dA1E 04
05: Battery low voltage: E-bA11 5
06: Measurement chip fault: E-CALI
07: current reverse: E-rEu
Relay Open Reason:
EA: Less than low voltage limit: undEr-U
EB: Over high voltage limit: ouEr-U
EC: Terminal cover opened: OP-CouEr
ED: Over power limit: ouEr-P
EE: No credit: nocredIt
EF: Strong magnetic: OP-Sn
FA:LOSS neutral wire: drop-n
FB: Open Meter Box: open-b
FC: Force Relay Open: F-open
FD: Meter not initialize: not-init
FE: Remaining credit level
FF:Generator input (Gen-in)

errors on LCD screen

Error codeLCD DisplayDescription
ERROR_LENGTHErr 01Length error
ERROR_CRCErr 02CRC verify error
ERROR_OLDErr 05TID error
ERROR_KEY_EXPIREDErr 06TID key expired
ERROR_RANGEErr 07Range error
ERROR_DDTKErr 13Transfer credit not permitted for DDTK
ERROR_FORMATErr 15Format error
ERROR_TIME_OVERErr 20Time over
ERROR_FACTORY_MODEErr 26Factory mode error
ERROR_KRNErr 30KRN error
ERROR_FUNCTIONErr 36Function error
ERROR_METER_REMOVEDErr 55Meter removed
ERROR_CASING_OPENEDErr 56Meter cover open
ERROR_SENSOR_ERRORErr 57Magnetic disturb
ERROR_POWER_WARNErr 58Battery under-voltage
ERROR_POWER_ERRORErr 59Valve closed as battery under-voltage

Tags: wasion

2019-08-27 15:29

Short Code Query (to type in on keypad only)
Short CodeDescription
000Full screen display test
001Relay connection/disconnection test
002Display item b0: Full screen display
003Display item b4: Keypad self-check
004Display item 01: Total consumption of energy
005Display item 37: KRN and KT display together
006Display item b3: Tariff index (TI)
007Display item 33: Maximum power limit
008Meter box(optional), strong magnetic, meter cover and terminal cover status:
Main display area:0011
From left to right there are 4 digit numbers shown on the meter box (reserved), strong magnetic, meter cover and terminal cover status.
b6- Item No.
009Display item 00: Remaining electricity, unit kWh
010Display STS Version
030Display item 46: SGC
031Local keypad-lock timer state
032Remote keypad-lock timer state
033Relay close timer state
034Meter status words. There are 3 digits from the left to right are:
Digit 1: Installation mode (0), running mode (1)
Digit 2: Prepaid mode (1), post-paid model(0)
Digit 3: Detect neutral loss(1), Don?t detect neutral loss (0)
035Neutral Current
036Meter Payment words. There are 2 digits from the left to right are:
Digit1:STEP mode (1)
Digit2:TOU mode (1)
If digit two is on, the meter is in currency mode.
If none of the two are visible, the meter is in a prepaid mode.
037Meter Trip words. There are 3 digits from the left to right are:
Digit1:Power off trip(1)
Digit2:Current Unbalance trip(1)
Digit3:Caculate Error trip(1)
050Display item 60, Active power
070Display item 00, meter box (reserved), strong magnetic, meter cover, terminal cover status.
Display in main area:0011
From left to right there are 4 digits shows the meter box, strong magnetic, meter cover and terminal cover status.
Display item 01, rated voltage
Display item 02, rated current
Display item 03, baud rate
Display item 04, Metering software revision
071Display item 00, trip delay of over load, unit: second
Display item 01, switch delay of over load(short trip), unit: second
Display item 02, short trips period, unit: minutes
Display item 03, short trip times limit, if exceed this limit, meter will enter into long trip state.
Display item 04, switch delay of overload(long trip), unit: minute
Display item 05, trip delay of low voltage, unit: second
Display item 06, trip delay of high voltage, unit: second
Display item 07, switch delay of Low voltage, unit: second
Display item 08, switch delay of high voltage, unit: second
072Display item 00, last voltage out of tolerance time
Display item 01, Last voltage out of tolerance date
073Display item 00, Power factor
Display item 01, Active power
Display item 02, reactive power
Display item 03, Apparent power
Display item 04, Last 1st month average power factor
Display item 05, Last 2nd month average power factor
Display item 06, Last 3rd month average power factor
074Display item 00, Total reactive energy
Display item 01, Total apparent energy
Display item 02, Forward reactive energy
Display item 03, Reverse reactive energy
Display item 04, Forward apparent energy
Display item 05, Reverse apparent energy
075Display item 00, The days used energy last 30 days
Display item 01, Total energy consumed in the last 30 days
Display item 02, Average daily consumption in the last 30 days
Display item 03, Average monthly consumption in the last 12 month
Display item 04, Total used energy in last 24hours
Display item 05, Average hourly consumption in the last 24hours
Display item 06,Current month used energy
100Display item
47: Manufacturer code
48: DSN
49: DRN check code
101Display item b8: Software revision display
200Display the last credit token value and entering time & date
202Display the last 2nd credit token value and entering time & date
204Display the last 3rd credit token value and entering time & date
248Display the last 25th credit token value and entering time & date
201Display the last credit token's TID information
203Display the last 2nd credit token's TID information
205Display the last 3rd credit token's TID information
249Display the last 25th credit token's TID information
250Display the last credit token(20 digits)
251Display the last 2nd credit token(20 digits)
252Display the last 3rd credit token(20 digits)
274Display the last 25th credit token(20 digits)
275Last 1st terminal cover open date and time
276Last 2nd terminal cover open date and time
277Last 3rd terminal cover open date and time
278Last 4th terminal cover open date and time
279Last 5th terminal cover open date and time
280Last 1st TI changed date and time, also the TI before changed
281Last 2nd TI changed date and time, also the TI before changed
282Last 3rd TI changed date and time, also the TI before changed
400(Do not have In STEP mode)Display item 00, Tariff numbers(Max 8 rates)
Display item 01, Tariff 1 price, unit: $, 4 decimals
Display item 02, Tariff 2 price, unit: $, 4 decimals
Display item 03 Tariff 3 Price, unit: $, 4 decimals
Display item 04 Tariff 4 Price, unit: $, 4 decimals
Display item 05, Tariff 5 price, unit: $, 4 decimals
Display item 06, Tariff 6 price, unit: $, 4 decimals
Display item 07, Tariff 7 price, unit: $, 4 decimals
Display item 08, Tariff 8 price, unit: $, 4 decimals
401(Do not have In STEP mode)Display item 01, Tariff 1 consumption, unit: kWh
Display item 02, Tariff 2 consumption, unit: kWh
Display item 03, Tariff 3 consumption, unit: kWh
Display item 04, Tariff 4 consumption, unit: kWh
Display item 05, Tariff 5 consumption, unit: kWh
Display item 06, Tariff 6 consumption, unit: kWh
Display item 07, Tariff 7 consumption, unit: kWh
Display item 08, Tariff 8 consumption, unit: kWh
402-409(Do not have In STEP mode)Display item 00, QTY of day-intervals (Max 14 dayintervals)
Display item 01, Day-interval 1 define, format: HHMMNN
Display item 02, Day-interval 2 define, format: HHMMNN
Display item 03, Day-interval 3 define, format: HHMMNN
Display item 04, Day-interval 4 define, format: HHMMNN
Display item 05, Day-interval 5 define, format: HHMMNN
Display item 06, Day-interval 6 define, format: HHMMNN
Display item 07, Day-interval 7 define, format: HHMMNN
Display item 08, Day-interval 8 define, format: HHMMNN
Display item 09, Day-interval 9 define, format: HHMMNN
Display item 10, Day-interval 10 define, format: HHMMNN
Display item 11, Day-interval 11 define, format: HHMMNN
Display item 12, Day-interval 12 define, format: HHMMNN
Display item 13, Day-interval 13 define, format: HHMMNN
Display item 14, Day-interval 14 define, format: HHMMNN
(HH means hour, MM means minute, NN means tariff code(01~08))
410(Do not have In STEP mode)Display the week table
Display item 00, QTY of week table (Max 8 week table)
Display item 01, week table1 Format:DDDDDDD
Display item 02, week table1 Format:DDDDDDD
Display item 03, week table1 Format:DDDDDDD
Display item 04, week table1 Format:DDDDDDD
Display item 05, week table1 Format:DDDDDDD
Display item 06, week table1 Format:DDDDDDD
Display item 07, week table1 Format:DDDDDDD
Display item 08, week table1 Format:DDDDDDD
(DDDDDDD Left to right is day-table number of Monday to Sunday)
420(Do not have In STEP mode)Display the Season table
Display item 00, QTY of Season table (Max 14 Season table)
Display item 01,Season table1 Format:MMDD.NN MM
Display item 02,Season table2 Format:MMDD.NN MM
Display item 013,Season table3 Format:MMDD.NN MM
Display item 014,Season table4 Format:MMDD.NN MM
(MM Month,DD Day,NN Week number)
430-437(Do not have In STEP mode)Display the Holiday table
Display item 00, QTY of Holiday(Max 13 Holidays)
Display item 01, Holiday1 Format YYMM.DD:NN
Display item 02, Holiday2 Format YYMM.DD:NN
Display item 12, Holiday12 Format YYMM.DD:NN
Display item 13, Holiday13 Format YYMM.DD:NN
YY Year,MM Month DD Day,NN Daytable number
500(Only in STEP mode)Display the STEP price table
Display item 00, QTY of Energy-prices(max 10)
Display item 01, Energy price1 Unit $
Display item 02, Energy price2 Unit $
Display item 09, Energy price9 Unit $
Display item 10, Energy price10 Unit $
501(Only in STEP mode)Display the STEP energy table
Display item 00, QTY of Energy-steps(max 9)
Display item 01, Energy step1 Unit kwh
Display item 02, Energy step2 Unit kwh
Display item 08, Energy step8 Unit kwh
Display item 09, Energy step9 Unit kwh
600Display the change time of the main and backup tariff table
Display item 00,TOU time table change time(STEP Energy table change time in STEP mode)
Format: Hour: Minute: Second
Display item 01,TOU time table change date(STEP Energy table change time in STEP mode)
Format: Year-Month-Day
Display item 02, TOU price table change time (STEP Price table change time in STEP mode)
Format: Hour: Minute: Second
Display item 03, TOU price table change date (STEP Price table change time in STEP mode)
Format: Year-Month-Day
601Display item 00,Current Tariff number
Display item 01,Current Tariff Unit: $
Display item 02, Current Day table number(Only in TOU mode)
Display item 03, Current Week table number(Only in TOU mode)


2021-10-28 15:13

I want to unpair my wasion prepaid meter from it uiu

Tags: commissionedprecomissioningwasion

2021-10-29 09:21

AFAIK you just pair it with the new one.

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