2021-08-29 22:23
I can't find a program for my PC to read information from the hexing meter. Namely the Hex View program. My letters to Hexing's technical support remained unanswered, six months have passed since the call. Can any of you help me and give me a link or send me the program itself by mail? I will connect via an optical port. I'm begging you. Thanks!
2021-08-30 15:00
Hello dear Matiaan.
The fact is that I already have a meter. For two months I have been trying to read information from him using the 'Gurux DLMS Director' program, but nothing happens. Can you share the hex view program? Email golubchenkonadezhda@gmail.com, please. Or tell me where and how you can buy a meter with software? Or maybe someone is selling this program separately? I am ready to buy.