L&G on concentrator


2024-09-04 14:55
Last Edited 2024-09-04 15:32

This has been transcribed from support

@⁨Marinus⁩ L&G on concentrator:
Landis & Gyr DCv3 G3-PLC Concentrator -> Landis & Gyr (DLMS) meter

when we read it, we get this:

 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'><SOAP-ENV:Body><SOAP-ENV:Fault><faultcode>500</faultcode><faultstring>ERROR: Direct command: No response received!</faultstring></SOAP-ENV:Fault></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

so that means the concentrator cannot currently talk to the meter right?

but he says the concentrator has the profile for that meter

so I take it we don't read the profile from the concentrator, but rather go via the concentrator to the meter?

Tags: comms monitor

2024-09-04 14:56

have to read it from the DC, since it refuses to let us read the profile through it, after about the first week

(in other words, Profile ALWAYS gets read from the L+G DCv3)


2024-09-04 14:56

so...then how is there profile on the dc, but the dc says No response received?


2024-09-04 14:58
Last Edited 2024-09-04 15:27

you have to only read profile. Then it doesn't use the DC as a repeater to talk directly to the meter. (Switch off all other checkboxes on Edit->Advanced Meter Settings, all except Profile)

the rest goes through the DC to the meter, but profile it reads from the DC only. (I have tried in the beginning to read profile directly from the meter over the DC as a router also, but it stops working after about a week, and then you can only read it from the DC. With most other DCs, we go directly to the meter, but with the DCv3 from L+G that does not want to work)

Maybe the format of the profile for the meter on the DC and on the meter are different? That could cause problems.... The columns and profile period has to be set up the same for that meter on the meter itself, and for that meter on the DC.

One of the problems of course is that the DC doesn't keep as long a profile as on the meter itself, so if you can't read a meter for a month, you start to lose data... you can only get it back by going to site and reading it directly from the individual meter itself. You don't actually lose energy, since the profile for the E460s are meter totals, but you lose the profile.

I investigated one meter,
, the problem is there is only profile up to 25 August on the DC.
...which we have read ok, by the way. So it seems his problem is in fact, that the DC has NOT read the meter up to today.

So it is not good enough to say 'the DC has data for the meter', in fact it does have some, but not all of it.

so on all the meters on the DC, ONLY profile checkbox must be checked, NOTHING else, so that we don't put the DC or G3-PLC network under strain


2024-09-04 15:05

(and as for the ZMD on site I was first given, I see it reads through IPT, which is not good enough under marginal network conditions, it is much more reliable to set it up as a Generic APN modem, if you have an APN, I think you do. Pls reconfigure the meter as a TCP server on your APN, and connect to a Generic APN modem entity from pnpscada to read that meter.)

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