overview - pnpscada


2018-06-08 16:59

The overview screen lists all of your Entities that make up your site.
Entities can be Meters, Modems, Tariffs, SIMs, Logins etc.
The list is categorized by Entity Class (Meter, Tariff, SIM), then by Entity Type (Elster A1140s, Elster AS3000s).
Only the first 20 of each Entity Type is shown. You can click on all to see a list of all of those Entity Types.

Once you select an entity, it is shown above the list.

1) The Selected Entity is shown in the center
Color of the border:
Meters, Modems, SIMs, Etherpads:
Green: the last time we read the meter, we read it successfully.
Yellow: the meter was read successfully before, but the last time we read the meter, it failed.
Red: the meter has not been read in successfully since it was added to the system.
Meter Accounts:
Green:A bill has been run on this Meter Account successfully before.
Red:A bill has not been run on this Meter Account successfully before.
2) The entities that this Entity depends on are shown to the left of the selected entity.
3) The entities that are dependent on this Entity are shown to the right of the selected entity.
4) To remove an entity from the system click on the remove link.
You need to delete all entities to the right of this entity before the remove option becomes available.
Alternatively, you can click on the grayed out remove which will come up with a couple of warnings and then delete all entities to the right.
If the entity to the right does not link to the left to multiple entities of this type it will not be deleted. e.g. Deleting a Meter Account, that is linked to a Meter Account Group, will not cause the Meter Account Group to be deleted, because it is linked to multiple Meter Accounts.
5) To share an Entity with another organization, click share entity. If you don't see this option, click here.

This will open a popup where you can choose how to share this entity.
Give it up will move the entity to that organization.
Share only will keep the entity in this organization but will also make it visible to the role you are sharing it with.
The role may be in a different Organization on the same server.
NOTE: Entities may only be shared (not give up) with Limited Roles. To make a Role limited, go to Edit->Role and select Specify which Entities may be Accessed
Scope: choose whether you want to only share this entity, or this and all entities to the right of this entity.
Give to: choose the role you want to share this entity to. If the role you want to share this entity with is not in this dropdown, you need to go to Edit->Sharing Permissions of the receiving role.

Tags: sharing permissions

2018-04-16 11:07

You can hover your mouse over the Entity Type to get the Class ID of the entity.
You can hover your mouse over the Entity Key to get the Database ID of the entity (used for web services).


2018-05-14 16:56

to change the banner image's background color, so it stretches the full width of the page, you can upload a custom CSS file under Edit->Organization->Custom CSS with this content:

html > body > div:nth-of-type(1) > div:nth-of-type(1) > div:nth-of-type(1) { background-color:#001522; }

The blue part is the color in hexadecimal format which you can change to whichever color you want.


2021-06-07 11:45

Hi  I would like to know some few things 

firstly when i pull my reports for meter readings how do i only get a report on only the active meters  on my reports and  exclude the inactive meters.

secondly how i import my report into a csv format that breaks my records into rows and columns , cause at the moment the reports a converted to one row only 


2021-06-07 12:03

Hi Yanga, which reports are you referring to? Not all reports can be given as CSV?
You can get a list of all meters and whether they are active or not from Reports->Various->Meters Everything.
You can then download as CSV on this screen and open in Excel.
Then do the filtering in Excel to only see active meters.

If all columns appear in one column, please see this post


2022-11-08 10:42

Good day,

Trust you are well.

Is it possible for me as an administrator to pause a login account(s) as an when it may be required?

For example, should an user try to login, they recieve a message that either says account suspended of paused.



2022-11-08 12:29

Currently the only option is to change the password


2023-01-24 13:21


How do I generate monthly report? 


2023-01-25 06:56

most of the monthly reports require you to first run an official bill.

The bill run process is:
Tools->Meter Validation (deals with events such as tamper and phase blown)
Tools->Run Bill (runs the bill)
Tools->Bill Variance Report (compares this month's bill with previous 3 months)
Tools->Bill Export (here you'll find some monthly reports)


2023-05-08 12:34

The selected entity shows the last time meter was read it failed and the message from the system for 3 to 4 meters reads....

'.......has not been read in up to date. You cannot run the bill on incomplete data. First get the meter up to date'

How can I correct this error as all other meters in this cluster are in good order and up to date.


2023-05-08 16:48

the screen to read a meter up to date is the Tools->Communication Monitor. You will find a checkbox for Profile and Totals. You can tick both those and click on Start Read. The server should now attempt to read the meter. It should take about 2 minutes. Any errors will be written to the screen.


2023-07-20 11:48

How do i move the meter account group with all entities and data to another organization in one go ? 


2023-07-20 16:15
Last Edited 2024-01-30 14:15

@nadineb you can get more information about sharing here http://wiki.pnpscada.com/fpost.jsp?thread=535


2024-01-30 11:05

Hi, my daily and weekly reports do not show in the site anymore, what can I do?


2024-01-30 14:19

@keesmeijer@meijer-beheer_com I'm not sure which reports those are. Typically you can check with your service provider which screens they permit you to see. Do you know who you service provider is of PNPSCADA?


2024-03-08 20:58


Before my meter was chnged to this system i had water credit of19kL. How do I check balance/ amount of water I have left?


2024-07-24 09:14

Hi my PNP Scada is giving me incorrect time warning , how do i restart the server

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