Meter Verification when Totals out of track


2014-09-03 14:50

This has been transcribed from a support email
How do we fix this one, this is a meter with the old program in and readings are calculated.


2014-09-03 15:11

Yes, the total was reset because the meter was reprogrammed.
To get a better overall view, click on the 'Hide Check Totals' link.

You'll see that the energy total advanced up to about 1 March, and then it was reset somewhere before 1 May.
Therefore, for the total and profile to be consistent with each other, you have to recalculate all the totals on the 1st of the month, from 1 march 2014 going back.
So, click on the recalculate link next to 2014-03-01, and then a recalculate would appear next to 2014-02-01, etc. and do all of them going back.
Yes, you would get negative totals, but at least it would be internally consistent. In the same vein, the TOU registers before 1 May should probably be deleted.
Unfortunately, how to do that in your billing system (e.g.SAP)? Not possible from PNPSCADA. You'll probably have to uninstall and install the meter on your billing system? How else is the total on the billing system going to reset?


2014-09-03 15:14

This is what happens

If you press recalculate this it stays the same, only when pressing delete does it move down


2014-09-03 15:18

Ok. I've selected Delete Check Totals and Delete All Calculated Totals.
It now moves down when you press recalculate.
Don't delete them, just recalculate them, in case the meter still has the old bad totals, we could rewrite the bad totals into the db when we read the meter, but won't overwrite a recalculated one.
And each time you do one, you'll get the option to do the previous one, so keep on going all the way back to the beginning.
You can also clear the check totals to make them neat, they are not that important. The billing totals are more important.
You can think for yourself: if the total reset because you reprogrammed the meter, and if the current totals are to be taken as the truth, that means all the old totals have to be recalculated or deleted. All of them.

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