Entity ownership


2014-08-25 09:51

This is a general transcript of actual support messages
I can't see my entity in the global admin account after adding it. What went wrong?


2014-08-25 09:54

Your Login account where the entity was added from has a role that is under a sub organization (shopping center) owned by the global organization (your organization - the reseller that reads in the meters using pnpscada).
In PNPSCADA, the entity you add are always created within your organization. That is: the organization of the role that your login assumes. That is why the entity end up with the sub-organization as 'owner' instead of the global organization as owner.


2014-08-25 09:59

For the case where one global organization has many sub organizations and those sub organizations has roles and logins, but all the ownership of the entities (e.g. meters) remains within the global organization - and all sub organization logins therefore has entity restricted roles where permissions to the relevant meters has been specifically shared selectively with them from the global organization - in that case, it makes more sense for meters added to belong to the owner organization of the role of the login, rather the the organization under which the role falls, since both belongs to the global organization.
Therefore, on 2014-08-22, we changed the mechanism in PNPSCADA, for new entities to have as owner the owner of your Role. (Owners are always Organizations)


2014-08-25 10:01

This is a general transcript of actual support message - from a different Reseller than the top message
I added a meter account entity, but it was not added to my login's org, but to the global organization. The login where I added it from can't even see the meter account at all! What went wrong?


2014-08-25 10:03

Ok, it seems that your business system relied on the previous way it was working.
The difference between the Resellers is therefore that in the first case, the Login has en entity restricted role, and the second case does not - therefore being able to see all entities owned by its sub organization only.
Based on this apparent differentiation, we now selectively go back to the old rules: if the role is not entity restricted, we still use the org of the role as the owner.
The overriding logic being: a login that adds an entity, should be able to see it and manipulate it after adding it.

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