2013-07-11 17:29
You can use PnPScada's built in SNMP to monitor realtime values.
To set this up, you need to create an SNMP Context:
1. Go to File->New
2. Select Scada Interface and click Next
3. Select SNMP Context and click Next
4. Specify all the meters that you want accessible using the dropdowns and Add another Meter with Totals button.
5. Provide a name for the SNMP Context object.
And thats it!
Please note, only one SNMP object is allowed per server.
You should use your PNPSCADA login (without subdomain) and password as the SNMP login and password (must be at least 8 characters); with MD5 authentication.
Examples of SNMP address (OIC) are:
SNMPv2-SMI:: private.32794.
The second last number is an index to the kind of value, and the last number is the meter serial number, with leading zeroes omitted and non-digital characters omitted.
The indexes are:
1 - meterIndex of type INTEGER (SNMP index)
2 - meterSerial of type DisplayString (Meter Serial with leading zeroes and non numeric digits)
3 - v1 of type Integer32 (mV)
4 - v2 of type Integer32 (mV)
5 - v3 of type Integer32 (mV)
6 - i1 of type Integer32 (mA)
7 - i2 of type Integer32 (mA)
8 - i3 of type Integer32 (mA)
9 - v1a of type Integer32 (milli degrees)
10 - v2a of type Integer32 (milli degrees)
11 - v3a of type Integer32 (milli degrees)
12 - i1a of type Integer32 (milli degrees)
13 - i2a of type Integer32 (milli degrees)
14 - i3a of type Integer32 (milli degrees)
15 - e1 of type Counter64 (Wh)
16 - e2 of type Counter64 (Wh)
17 - f1 of type Counter64 (varh)
18 - f2 of type Counter64 (varh)
29 - f3 of type Counter64 (varh)
20 - f4 of type Counter64 (varh)
21 - datetime of type DisplayString (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
You can download the MIB file here
To test:
using the standard snmp commands, you can test from a computer on the same network as the server
e.g. Trying to read:
-an elster's
-instantaneous volts on the red phase (value 3)
-with the serial 61500037
-the server's IP is
-your PnPScada login and password is testusername and testpassword
-using SNMP version 3
the command is:
snmpget -v 3 -a MD5 -A testpassword -l authNoPriv -u testusername -n defaultContext -t 60
and you should get back:
SNMPv2-SMI:: private.32794. = INTEGER: 237347
and reading the serial (value 2):
snmpget -v 3 -a MD5 -A testpassword -l authNoPriv -u testusername -n defaultContext -t 60
SNMPv2-SMI:: private.32794. = STRING: "61500037"
2013-07-11 17:44
To add additional meters to the SNMP context to read:
1. click on Add a Meter
2. In the popup, select the meter you want to add (you might have to page next)
3. Click Select
The meter will now be added to the context.
To remove a meter from being read, select the checkbox next to the meter's serial and click Remove.
You can change the SNMP context's name and description by using the respective fields, however, this is rarely necessary.
You can also set the value to return, in cases where there was an error in retrieving the value from the meter.
This value is by default -9999999.
After changing the context name, description or error value, you need to click Change to apply the changes.