Manual Meters still reads Automatically


2013-07-03 05:28

Hi Marinus,

This month we had some problem meters at XXXXXXXXXXX that we wanted to read manually, rather than to read in wrong totals from the MIUs. Typical problems were due to probe faults (water) or pulse-output wiring (electricity) ? so we decided to manually read these (about 57 meters) and enter manual readings into the database for each, before doing the billing run.

I put all these meters into a Set, then did a bulk edit to set them to manual read ? I ticked the ?manual read? tick-box in Edit>Meter Details. I checked a subset of the meters to confirm that the tick-box was indeed ticked.

Yesterday, during the scheduled read of the site, these ?manual read? meters were also read in, putting incorrect totals into the database which I then manually had to correct.

My understanding was that, by ticking that box, the system would then ignore the meter for a scheduled automatic read, and one could enter manual readings at a later stage. Is this what should happen? Or is there another way in which to make PnP ignore the specified meters for a scheduled read?

Some of the meters that we included in the Set for ?Manual Read? included: C704 water + electricity; C903 water + electricity; C1001 water + electricity; C1002 water + electricity. These are still set for manual reading, until we replace the probes or fix the wiring.

Many thanks,
(Identity of customer and site hidden for privacy and confidentiality reasons)


2013-07-03 05:29

To disable the automatic reading, you have to set the disabled checkbox on meter details.

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