"Could Not Connect" Possible Checks


2012-11-05 17:32

Modem new Installation:
has the modem been programmed?does the modem have signal?
is the antenna inside a metal case or in a basement or in a room with a door that closes?
In the case of a:
kocos Modem:do you see the 3 red lights in the middle of the modem next to the green power light on the right.
Enfora Modem: green LED must be on constantly, flicker = bad signal.
BOL Modem: Comms light needs to flash when connected.
TC65: does the signal light double flicker?

Modem Settings:
what is the baud rate and frame set on the modem?
plug the device into your laptop and with a terminal emulator send the command "AT" followed by Enter.
do you get "OK"?
if not -> check baud rate and frame (usually baud:9600 data bits:8 parity:none stop bits:1)

Sim Card's:
is the sim number and cell number correctly entered into pnpscada?
is the sim card on prepaid or contract?
has the sim card been RICA-ed?
is there sufficient airtime on the SIM card? +-R30
Put SIM in phone:
does it ask for PIN number?
remove PIN from SIM card
can you browse more than one web page?
can you send an SMS? (Contract Data Cards can not send SMS)
is the SIM on an APN?

Etherpad new installation:
has the etherpad been programmed?
is the etherpad on the same subnet as the server or is the server situated behind a firewall?
in case of firewall, the etherpads MAC address might be required.
is the etherpad on active or passive mode?
what is the ip of the etherpad?
what is the mask of the etherpad?
what is the gateway of the etherpad?
if you plug out the etherpad from the network and plug your laptop into the network,
can you connect to pnpscada from your laptop using the same ip/mask/gateway settings as the etherpad?


2013-03-22 20:12

To get the signal strength on a BOL modem, SMS this message to it:

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