2012-11-15 07:54
Please help with the following query,
Attached are 2 files.
1. Yr to date consumption with new spreadsheet at the bottom
2. Benchmark (yr to date selected ? April 2012 to November 2012)
I have the following query
When you look at the 2 graphs, the date period is effectively the same, yet the comp / non comp total figures don?t seem to be the same, although the total kWh is the same.
Is there a reason for this?
2012-11-15 07:55
Basically, the way in which the algorithms are different, are as follows:
1. On the Year to Date graph, where we show many months, the rationale is, that one wants to be able to compare separate months to each other, month on month, and therefore, the comp/noncomp meters are the same for all months, which is to say, the meter must have a commissioning date equal or less than the start of last year, and its maxdate must be equal or greater than this months start.
2. On the Bench graph, we only have one big blob of data. There is no month-to-month comparison. Therefore, we say that a value is comparable if the meter for it has been commissioned at or before a year before the timestamp of the value. Therefore, the same meter, can have half of its values in comparable and the other half in non-comparable. That is why the comparable for the Bench is bigger than the comparable for the Year to Date. With the Year to Date we cannot do that, because then the trend month on month will have an artificial upwards bias.
I trust the above answers your question?