tcp bridge


2012-01-30 12:20

you can open the TCP bridge for the rcb gas turbine with the following web service call:
you can close it again with the following (or it will close automatically after 10 minutes):

You need to substitute PASSWORD with the correct password.
Since this contains the enercon username and password, so you might want to create a sub-login that can only see this modem entity, and has rights to the TCP bridge.

If pnpscada is busy reading the meter, the bridge will not open.

If the connection was already opened by someone else, trying to open it again should not break anything.
However, after opening the bridge, anyone can connect to it and only the first connection to the bridge will succeed.

If you would like to do this for other modems, just specify a different entity ID.
The easiest way to get the entity ID is to select that modem in the overview screen.
You will see the entity ID in the address bar at the top.

Tags: meter account group
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