Wavenis rollout question


2012-02-17 12:57

We've installed most of the Wavenis devices on site, and are now busy with capture and verification of meter readings.
All the meters are Elster 20mm PSM brass meters, with a pulse value of 0.5 litres / pulse. We've therefore set up the Waveflows with a pulse constant of 5x10-4.
Today we started doing a bulk capture of the actual meter start-up readings - but I've now noticed that when we do a read of the totals in PnPSCADA, the readings in the database appear as roughly half the actual start-up figure shown on the meter (obviously a little more than half in some cases, as the meter would have stepped on since we captured the readings).
Is there a setting that we're missing in PnPSCADA that should be changed so that the correct value is shown in the database? Can you point me in the right place to look / check for this? I've looked at both the "edit meter" settings for the pulse meter and Waveflow, but want to rather confirm what is correct, before I go and make changes.
Many thanks

Tags: coroniselster-kentmiuwaveflowwavenis

2012-02-17 12:58

The most important thing is that the meter reading you read with WavenetExplorer is the same as the physical meter reading. This is completely separate from Plug and Play Scada. Once that is correct, then Plug and Play Scada should also be correct.
It is possible that the pulse constant that Plug and Play Scada read initially has since been changed, in which case it will show wrong values in Plug and Play Scada, because once we have read it, we don't read it again. To force Plug and Play Scada to re-read the pulse constants programmed in the MIU, there is a checkbox on the Meter Details screen where you can clear the constant as kept in Plug and Play Scada. This will force Plug and Play Scada to re-read the constant when it reads the MIU again.
But the main thing in the beginning is to make sure the MIU and the physical meter is in track, and keeps in track.
You can download the latest version of WavenetExplorer at


2012-02-17 13:00

I've set the pulse constant and the reading in the MIU. Do I now have to re-import the .prp file from the WavenetExplorer into Plug and Play Scada?


2012-02-17 14:14

Correct Sequence for configuring Wavenis on Plug and Play Scada

No, you don't have to re-import the .prp file.
Generally, the file should only be imported into Plug and Play Scada once the meters can all be accurately read using WavenetExplorer - with the WavePort being physically where it will be when reading the site remotely (the RF Concentrator box, where the GPRS modem is located). PLEASE BACKUP your .prp file regularly!!
The pulse constant information in Plug and Play Scada does not get loaded from the file. It gets read straight from the MIU.
It is generally a bad idea to load the file into Plug and Play Scada before everything below works, for three reasons:

  1. You're going to have to do the re-import again anyway, so you're doubling up on your work.
  2. The data on the MIU could still be wrong. Therefore you don't want these values in Plug and Play Scada prematurely, since you would have to clean it up again afterwards.
  3. Plug and Play Scada will immediately try to read the meters. If these meters are not contactable, that means there will be unnecessary communication, which presents a very real danger of prematurely exhausting the batteries in MIUs. You have to be careful not to waste your batteries, since the whole MIU must be replaced after the battery has run flat, which can be a huge capital cost if you have a large site.

Once the system works up to the WavenetExplorer, then you can upload into Plug and Play Scada, and get your communications working reliably from Plug and Play Scada through the RF Concentrator to the Repeaters and MIUs.
Once this is reliable, then is the time to go into your data and your edit totals screens and see that everything makes sense. If you have prematurely imported the file, and started reading into Plug and Play Scada before everything was counting up correctly and accurately, you will typically see old totals that were wrong. These will then typilcally have to be deleted manually, on the Edit->MeterTotals screen.

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