2012-02-17 12:28
Yes, the sum of the MDs accross all meters for this half hour would be more than your total MD. This is because the correct way to sum MD is also not to add the MDs per meter for that same half hour.
The correct way to sum MD is to first sum all the Active Energies for that half hour accross all meters, and then all the Reactive Energies, and then to work out the kVA with the sums of the energies, via the formula:
MD = sqrt(kWh*kWh + kvarh*kvarh)
It is easier to understand why if you think about it in 2 dimensions: the MD per meter is like the diagonal line with the theorem of Pythagoras, and the active and reactive energies are like vectors that are 90 degrees to each other.
When you follow the method I gave above, the sums of energies are added together, so the diagonal line you get is one clean straight line that is drawn diagonally between them.
If you add the MDs per meter, the diagonal line becomes squiggly, because the angles between active and reactive energies are not the same for all meters on the account.
The squiggly line is therefore longer in length than the clean straight line. And that is why the sum of the MDs accross all meters for that half hour is too large.
For correct summation of MD, it is therefore not only necessary to look at the same half hour for all the meters, but also to record the active and reactive energies seperately for all the meters on the account.
Btw, the MD summary screen should now be reliable. It depends on the profile of the meter being up to date, and a recent real time value from a meter. If the predicted value is possibly not reliable, the numbers of the missing meters are shown next to the heading in Red. If the predicted value could not be determined at all, we flat line the prediction rather than generate a spurious value: in this case, the graph should come right after a minute or 3.
Please note that real time values will be requested for as long as one of these pictures are open. Real time value readings will normally stop about 10 minutes after the screen is closed, if SNMP (Henlo) is also not reading it. I say this in mind of the early morning window when reading should pause to allow MeteringOnline to read the meters.
Please let me know of any problems you may still find with the MD summary screen.