Meter can't read in - Process to follow


2012-02-16 08:38

When a Meter doesn't call in, go to View->MeterReadLogs.
You'll see all the different times that the system tried to read in the meter. The report says that the server could not connect to the meter.
If you want to try to read it, go to Tools->CommunicationMonitor, choose Profile and click 'Start Read'.
You'll see that it cannot connect to the Monkda at At this time it also gives you some advice:

Checked out from queue: 02P00348 @ 2011-10-04 09:57:28.375
Last Read At: 2011-10-01 00:00:00.000
Attempting read...
Requesting Connection to
Opening Communication Channel, please wait (up to a minute)... Requesting Connection to
Connection Request Failed: Connection timed out
Summary: Could not connect
Explanation: Cannot connect to the specified remote TCP/IP address on the specified TCP port. Use the edit screen of the Static Etherpad to try to ping its IP. Make sure the IP and PORT is open on all Fire Walls and Gateways inbetween.
No Connection to

If you do the above troubleshooting exercise, you'll quickly see where you need to concentrate your efforts.

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