Meter Account for Generic Mbus Meters


2024-02-22 14:08

Hi there,

I am trying to create simple meter accounts to view consumption for a specific period on Schneider meters set up as generic mbus meters.

I can confirm the metering readings coming in is correct, I have to divide the reading coming in by 1000 to get the correct register reading in kWh.

When adding the meter to a meter account, I get consumption, but it does not match the actual when deducting my start reading from my end reading. 

Can you please point me to the correct literature that can assist on this? I do think I am missing something. 

For example, the graph shows Abnormal/Interpolated values, which is not right. The actual end reading for this period is 9400.09 kWh, so I am trying to understand where the below data is coming from.

Tags: meter account

2024-02-22 15:01

your totals all have the 'interpolated' status set.
The status is 1000003 on each total. The bottom 6 digits are for 4 quadrant metering and the top digit (first) means interpolated.

For Modbus Meters, under Edit->Advanced Meter Settings at the bottom is a setting to insert totals as interpolated.
This should be off.
I've switched yours off.

Interpolated totals are not used when calculating bills.

The total on the bill comes from the very first total captured on 2023-11-28 12:30:00

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