2015-02-10 07:55
Assuming you have a meter and meter account per shop, along with a main incomer, here's how to setup PNPSCADA to have different tariffs for generator power and non-generator power per shop.
You'll need to create 3 extra entities per shop:
1) Create a virtual meter for each shop and call it the shop's name with Generator e.g. Shop 1 Generator.
In the add screen:
Specify the Primary Meter Serial Number as the Shop's Meter
Specify the Event Meter Serial Number as the Main Incomer
Choose Event to monitor as Power Loss and All phases
IMPORTANT: You need to check that your main incomer does in fact log Power Loss events
This will effectively create a meter for that shop that only has profile where the Power Loss event for the Main Incomer is active.
2) Add Meter Account Shop 1 Generator
And add the virtual meter to it (Shop 1 Generator)
Link to Generator Tariff
3) Add Meter Account Shop 1 No Generator
Add the normal meter for the shop (Shop 1)
and add the virtual meter (Shop 1 Generator) to the same Meter Account, but using Portion -1
Link to normal tariff.
The will create a meter account where all the profile is added and the generator-only profile is subtracted, i.e. leaving only the non-generator profile.