PNP Scada Server stops working about once a week, requires reboot.


2020-08-27 15:20

Hi All

As per the unanswered e-mails I've sent the last few weeks, we are experiencing great frustration with out PNPScada server. It stops working about once a week. The server itself seems fine, I can still log into it via Putty, but I cannot access the PNP Scada web interface and our data recording via SNMP also stops working. I have to log in using Putty and then do a reboot for it to work again.

Please see attached screengrab of errors generated by the software.

I'm not sure what our way forward is. We cannot continue like this. 




2020-08-28 10:45

Hi Renaldo, that screengrab of the errors does not point to any problem.
Can I ask that you give your server a static internet IP so we can log into your server to troubleshoot the problem?


2021-01-11 09:41

Hi Matiaan

I cannot give you that unfortunately, but can I give you Teamviewer access on my PC and then you access the server from this side?


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