Spike in the Profile Graph


2012-02-07 08:49

How do I solve a Spike in the Profile Graph?


2019-09-23 13:20

Spikes are not always a problem, for example Soccer Stadiums and Welding shops have naturally occurring Spikes.
If the meter passes it's Audit (sum of Profile vs difference in Totals); it is probably not a problem.
However, sometimes a meter communication corruption can occur (e.g. when the communication link is not ideal);in which case there is a very small chance (on most meters, the chance is 1 in 256) that an error can be accepted into the system.This will typically also show up during audit: that the sum of the profile will now also exceed the difference in the totals.
What fixes such a communication corruption, is usually to set the 'LastRead Up to Date & Time' (Edit->Meter Details) back to before the time the Spike occurred. The next time the meter is read,it will replace the spike with good data.
It can sometimes also happen that the data in the meter itself contain the spike. Usually, in this case, it really occurred and should be left in the profile, however, sometimes it is the result of a wrong CT or VT ratio or if the CT or VT ratio in the meter was re-programmed. In those cases, you have no choice but to Modify the profile Readings. You can do this in the 'Tools->Modify Readings' page, where you can multiply the profile during a date&time range for a specific meter. All changes are logged.

Tags: csdmodems
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