Requirements and features


2020-07-20 14:52

An electricity meter that is compliant with billing meter standards connected to the main incomer of each of their operations

Our software can and does communicate to many such meters every day. Of course the client has to have them installed himself, we don't do that.

All data to be recorded on a secure server and available via internet connection 100% of the time.

We support that. Of course the client or Reseller (you) have to configure the meters on the system, and make sure that they keep on communicating. We provide troubleshooting reports and functionality on the web site, as well as training and support of this functionality, but we do not maintain these communication links to the meters ourselves.

All installations to be issued with a COC if required by SABS 11042.

This is outside of our scope: the electrician installing the meter should issue this.

The data to be format for each site into the same structure and similar presentation to the relevant utility bill for each site taking into account that not all sites are supplied from the same utility and that the tariff structure may be different from site to site.

This is supported. The tariff must be configured by the client or the Reseller (you). We provide training and support.

The billing software must account for all TOU periods, weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays, Winter, Summer and public holiday tariff changes.

This is supported. The tariff must be configured by the client or the Reseller (you). We provide training and support.

Validation (once off) that the measured data in kWh, kVA, kW and Rands matches the utility meter with an error of 1% or less.

This is supported continuously via the 'Captured Utility Bill vs Verification Meter' report. It shows you the comparison between the two graphically. What this requires, is for the client or the Reseller (you) to Capture the utility bills (Tools->Capture Bill) EVERY MONTH. We can provide training and support, but we cannot capture the bills every month.

Collective reporting of the various sites i.e. what is the clients energy load? What is the clients energy Bill, What is the bill for all the buildings etc (i.e. function specific analysis)

This is supported via Meter Account Groups, as well as summated Meter Accounts. These have to configured by the client or Reseller. We provide training and support.

Ability to set targets for each site and to report on performance relative to target,

This is done most effectively via custom Banding tariffs, that quantifies the target either monthly, daily, or by a demand value. In this way, all use OVER a certain amount of kWh can be captured in a separate Line item on a Provisional Bill, e.g. 'Over limit', and you can immediately see the money impact of the over-use.
Like any Provisional Bill, you can of course specify any time period for your report.
We provide training and support. The tariffs and accounts must be set up by the client or Reseller.
System must allow for process variables to be added to the metering specification with only the addition of the instrumentation (what this means is that we must cater for a fixed number of digital and analogue input?s and output?s on the RTU).

This is possible, for supported Instrumentation Values and devices. If the customer wants to use his own instrumentation devices, the support might be limited.
System must meet the compliances as set by SANS 50010 for metering and data management

Do you have a SANS 50010 document for me to look at? SABS wants me to buy it before they show it to me.
We do generally comply to most AMR standards documents that I have seen. If there is any specific requirement you want to ask about I can answer that? Otherwise pls give me the details of SANS 50010.

The website must appear to be the clients, RTE can brand jointly

Feature Supported. We provide training and support.
The site must be expandable i.e. that more meters can be added either at the same address as existing meters or at new address

Feature Supported. We provide training and support.

The site must allow for specific load measurement and component reporting, (what this means is that we may measure the load of the main incomer and the specific load on the refrigeration plant and want to know all the details of each meter individually and what part of the energy and bill is attributed to the part load ? including the demand charge which implies that the demand of the part load is identified at the occurrence of the MD.

Feature Supported. Specifically, co-incident MD tariff setting can do the above MD calculation. We provide training and support.

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