To add SigFox devices to your system:
register your devices with Sqwdnet (
Tell them you already have a system that integrates with SigFox otherwise they will refer you to another reseller.
2. create a group by going to GROUP (you only have to create a group once)
3. and click on New and follow the steps to create a group
4. then add your devices, by going to Device
5. and click New
6. Then click on the device type for each device
7. Go to Callbacks
8. And click New or Edit (if there is already a callback)
9. And set the callback to the following URL:
https://[your server's name]/SigFox/[SigFox Server on PNPSCADA's Stub URL ID]?device={device}&time={time}&data={data}&seqNumber={seqNumber}
or for Visio Util, try https://[your server's name][SigFox Server on PNPSCADA's Stub URL ID]?device={device}&time={time}&data={data}
then add a SigFox stub
under File->New->Servers->SigFox stub
Stub URL ID: leave as is
Name: enter a name for you to identify the sigfox server (incase you use more than one)
Enable Auto Add: leave checked
Class of Entity to add: Kamstrup Water Meters
Enable Callback: leave unticked (not yet implemented)
SigFox Login: leave blank (not yet implemented)
SigFox Password: (not yet implemented)
API URL: (not yet implemented)
You'll need to add both the RTU (with the SigFox serial) and the Pulse Meters (with the Pulse Meter's serial) in PNPSCADA.