
2017-03-30 15:21

(transcribed from support call)

It looks like my water meters did read, but is not reading now, since all the time stamps are 2 hours in the past.

What is wrong?


2017-03-30 15:25

You're probably reading the Timestamp wrong. It is the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS, e.g. 2017-03-30 T 12:02:41

What the T in between the date and time actually means, is that it is in Universal Co-oridinated Time (UCT), which for practical purposes in this case is equivalent to GMT (Greenwhich mean time)

So, since you're in South Africa, which is GMT+2, it looks like 2 hours in the past, but it is actually very recent.

This means, that you can take our concentrators anywhere in the world, and they should read correctly.

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