2012-02-14 08:52
In case you want to run one or more Plug and Play Scada Servers on other hardware platforms, for instance if
you are renting some servers in a server farm from an Internet hosting provider, it is possible provided some
conditions are met.
Additionally, the installation will happen by ourselves over Secure Shell (ssh) and our time will be charged for at
our hourly rates.
The conditions are as follows:
1. The CPU must be Intel compatible 64 bit architecture.
2. Hard disk of at least 500 GB
3. 4 GB of RAM
4. The server must be dedicated to Plug and Play ScadaTM.
5. The Operating System must be a recent version of Linux (preferably OpenSUSE)
6. PostgreSQL must be installed, of at least version 8.3.7
7. Not Apache, nor MySQL must be installed.
8. A SUN Java virtual machine must be installed, supporting the 64 bit version of Java 1.6
9. It must be understood that this installation will not support any COM ports or RS232 ports, so you won't
be able to use modems to call meters over CSD, as with the server supplied by SDG.
10. It must be understood that this installation will not support running DOS programs, as do the server
supplied by SDG, so you won't be able to set the time on Premier PRI meters.
2015-08-06 08:30
See these links for which ports need to be opened for the server to work properly:
2015-08-06 08:58
Additional features that won't necessarily work is:
Squid reverse proxy for more stable https - especially on Ubuntu systems, Squid does not do ssl. So in that case PNPSCADA uses JSSE for https, which is less stable than OpenSSL and sometimes under high load conditions results in the rare 'white screen' problem (when you load a page, it loads, but the screen cannot be sent back, so the browser successfully loads an empty screen)
Latex reports and pictures, e.g. Calibration certificates automatically generated from integration with Calibration Test benches, and some 14 day or daily or monthly profile images generated via latex templates, or any other latex generated reports, whether digitally signable or not.